Wednesday, December 30, 2015

New Year's Resolutions You Can Use to Improve 2016

New Year’s Eve is often seen as a time of rebirth, the chance to start anew. We all come up with the regular resolutions for the upcoming year (losing weight, seeing family more often and/or falling in love), but often our ideas of what should change are too broad. This New Year’s Eve, we should all vow to take a closer look into our lives. These are the 20 New Year’s resolutions you should consider in 2016:

1. Leave the country. If you don’t have money, look into doing charity work abroad. Some programs will sponsor you. Look at, for programs you can get involved with.

2. If you hate your job, get a new job. Money is not worth sacrificing your happiness. Food and shelter are important though, so make sure you have another job lined up before moving on.

3. Stop beating yourself up for skipping the gym on days you truly didn’t have time. But also, stop skipping the gym on days you had plenty of time to go.

4. Rid yourself of enemies. Apologize for what you did wrong and forgive those who have wronged you.

5. Rid yourself of “frenemies.” Don’t spend 2016 surrounded by people you secretly despise.

6. If you find someone attractive, be confident enough to say “hi” and introduce yourself. Every relationship you have ever had started with a greeting.

7. Leave your phone number for someone. Worst-case scenario: you won’t get a call and maybe you’ll feel a tiny bit embarrassed. Regardless of the outcome, you put yourself out there and probably made the other person’s day.

8. Stop caring about how many people “like” your social posts. If you like the photo enough to post it, what else matters? Social media anxiety is a waste of time.

9. Cross something off your bucket list this year! Sky dive, bungee jump, scuba dive, etc. Don’t make excuses as to why you can’t accomplish something, and finally do it.

10. Stop hating yourself for eating dessert. Dessert is delicious.

11. If you’ve never done it before, try keeping a journal. It doesn’t have to be something you use 
daily, but documenting your experiences is incredibly important. You’ll appreciate it later.

12. Strengthen relationships with family members. Don’t regret not spending enough time with the ones you love and admire.

13. Help strangers. “Pay it forward,” do good things for the world — and don’t post a Facebook status about it.

14. Conquer a fear. There’s nothing better than triumphing over your old fears. Go for it!

15. Turn off your smartphone at dinner.

16. Don’t check your social media feed when you’re with friends. Enjoy the present, and live in it – not the virtual version.

17. Try a fashion trend you never thought you could pull off. And, do it with confidence. Floppy hats, snap backs, Harem pants; you can do it!

18. Shop locally, eat locally and recognize where your money is going. Consumers control the economy, so visit the mom-and-pop coffee shop down the street instead of Starbucks. 

19. Stop being so shallow. The next time you find yourself judging someone based on his or her appearance, imagine that person standing in front of you saying, “I’m beautiful.” You’ll start to believe it.

20. And finally, if you want someone to commit to you, vocalize it. Purgatory shouldn’t last forever.

This list is meant to give you ideas on how to help yourself and those around you in the year to come. We hope that some of these ideas can give you the inspiration to make 2016 your best year yet! 

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

What to Consider when Buying a Truck

Pickup trucks are one of the most popular choices among vehicle types today. This is because they are ideal vehicles for individuals, families and companies. They can be great for personal use or for business purposes. Pickups are indeed one of the most versatile and dependable vehicles today.

Pickup trucks can also be quite costly though. As such, before buying one, you need to make sure that this is the right type of vehicle for you and it will provide you the best value for your money. Below are some key factors you have to consider when investing in a pickup:

Engine power and size. The size and power of engine you should ultimately choose should depend largely on the main purpose or uses you have for the truck. If you want to buy this type of vehicle for everyday commuting but do not plan on using it to transport large or heavy items, then a 4-cylinder engine can save you money on gas. Four-cylinders are also fine for transporting small payloads; however, if you need to tow something bigger than a small U-Haul trailer, you'll have to choose something bigger. If you plan on using this pickup to tow a boat or bigger trailer, then you will have to go for a V6 or V8 engine. Although trucks with these engines tend to be more expensive, they are more versatile and powerful.

Passenger capacity. Many pickups come standard as two-seaters, with sufficient space for the driver and a single passenger. Trucks with two-person cabs are normally less expensive than trucks with larger cabs. They also come with longer beds. If you will not be transporting many passengers and need more cargo space, the standard cab configuration might be your best choice. But if you need more passenger capacity for friends or family, select one with a larger cab.

4x4 or two-wheel drive. A 4x4 pickup truck is costlier and deciding whether you should choose this option should depend on the regular weather condition where you drive and your driving habits. If you live in a place that doesn't see a lot of rain or snow and simply plan to use your truck for commuting, then a 4x4 truck is unnecessary. This is because going for this option as will considerably reduce your gas mileage. However, if you live in a place where it rains or snows or the weather can be unpredictable and you have plans of driving the pickup off-road for work or pleasure, a 4x4 drive would be better since its improved traction can prevent you from getting stranded in the mud, muck or snow.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Tips for Calming Your Commute

Unless you're fortunate enough to work at home or live next door to your office, there's nothing you can do to avoid the daily commute (no, sleeping in your office doesn't work!). For those who experience heavy traffic, the commute to and from work is a nightmare, something to dread every morning and evening.

But do you really have to hate your commute? Why not find a way to make your commute just a little bit less stressful? Here are a few tips to help you out:

  1. Unplug -- This may be easier said than done, but it's worth the effort! While you're sitting in your car on the way home or to the office, make it a point to ignore the annoying buzzes of text messages, Facebook alerts, or Tweets. Disconnect from all outside communication (unless you are waiting for something important), but focus on the here and now. Listen to music, enjoy a light snack, or practice car meditations. Be in the present, and keep all outside distractions until you get home or to the office.
  2. Listen to audio books -- Story time! What could be more awesome than listening to an epic fantasy, twisted crime novel, or action thriller while sitting in Los Angeles traffic? Audio books will give you something to focus on as you sit and drive, taking your mind off the traffic around you. Not only is it awesome entertainment, but it's great for your brain! You can even listen to self-help or motivational books, promoting education and self-improvement while fighting the stress of traffic.
  3. Leave earlier -- Who says you have to sit in L.A. traffic every day? Rush hour occurs between 7 and 9 AM and 5 to 7 PM, so those are the times you'll want to avoid driving. However, why not leave for work a little earlier? If you're out of the house by 6 AM, you can usually beat the traffic. Do the same at the end of the day (leave around 4 PM), and you'll get home before the traffic gets crazy. If your boss is okay with you shifting your schedule slightly, it will save you a lot of wasted time and stress!
  4. Aromatherapy -- Aromatherapy has been proven to help you relax, so why not try experimenting with soothing scents? You can use air fresheners to flood your car with the relaxing smells of peppermint, jasmine, lavender, and lilies. If you want something stronger, you can purchase an essential oil diffuser designed specifically for car aromatherapy.
No one says you have to hate your commute! Find ways to chill out, relax, and enjoy the drive, and you'll find that the time spent in your vehicle to and from work can be some of your favorite times of the day.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Winter Weather Tips for Your Protection

You know there are preventative maintenance items your daily driver needs, but the exact list of things to look after escapes you. Don’t worry! That’s why we’re here.
We will help walk you through the best winter maintenance tips so you can survive until spring comes ‘round the corner again.
Many of today’s vehicles have either front-wheel-drive or some kind of all-wheel-drive. While both do wonderful things for traction, they cannot break the laws of physics. Sudden ice storms, low visibility, or bad driving by “the other guy” are not necessarily overcome by these drive systems. If you live in an area that’s particularly snowy, and/or are not the most confident winter driver, the number-one driver’s aid is a good set of winter tires.
Note that we don’t call them “snow tires” anymore.
Today’s rubber compounds are designed to provide maximum traction in the coldest temperatures, so it’s not just about the tread pattern.
If you plan to keep your vehicle awhile, consider getting your snow tires mounted on dedicated wheels. Although the initial cost seems high, the ease and expense of making the seasonal switch is greatly reduced. If, on the other hand, you have a leased vehicle, or will likely trade for something else soon, you can purchase tires and accept the trade off of paying a little more for the mounting and balancing every six months.


If you haven’t waxed your car’s paint yet this year, now is the time to do it. A fresh coat of wax will protect the paint, not so much from the snow, but from the sand, salt, and other stuff that gets mixed in with it. Second, most experts recommend replacing your wiper blades twice a year, in the spring and in the fall. If you forgot to do it last April, get it done now.
Lastly, with shorter days and longer nights than normal, remember that your exterior lights help you both to see and be seen. A quick walk-around will confirm if any bulbs need replacing. You’d rather do that now than in January when it’s minus 10 degrees with the wind chill.


Much of what’s needed under the hood falls into the “preventative maintenance” category. You want to take care of things before they fail. Trust us, there is no joy in being stuck at the side of the road, especially when winter’s fury is blasting you.
The DIY items here start with topping up the washer fluid. If you’ve been using a 50/50 mix during the summer, switch to 100% from the bottle. Personally, we always buy solvent in quantities of two, and keep one in the trunk. Oil and filter services should be done, as cold-weather driving is strenuous for the engine.
Check the radiator antifreeze level, as it’s the coolant which delivers interior heat.
Jobs for which you’ll likely need professional assistance include testing said antifreeze for proper temperature protection; testing the battery’s condition to help ensure it’ll get your motor running every time, and giving all under hood systems (belts, hoses, other fluid levels) a once-over.


Snow, slush, and salt on your shoes will quickly damage your vehicle’s carpeting. A good set of rubber floor liners will pay for themselves in the protection they provide. Because you can never be too prepared, be sure to carry a snow brush, ice scraper, and personal emergency kit as well. We’re not paranoid, but keeping a blanket, flashlight, portable shovel, and non-perishable snacks tucked into the trunk will make us feel better.
If you take care of only the tires, wiper blades, and fluids, you will still be ahead of most of the driving population in winter preparedness. If you attend to everything on our list, you’re almost guaranteed to make it through the winter unscathed.

Our best advice is to print out this list and use it annually as your winter check sheet.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Your First New Car

Buying new cars is something that can cause uncertainty. While the process does get easier each time, the first purchase can be quite intimidating if you aren't sure exactly how to go about it. Here are some tips that can help you when it comes time to buy your very first vehicle.

The first thing you should do is establish a budget. Your budget should be realistic and reflect what you are able to pay monthly when looking at new cars. Unless you are able to pay cash for the vehicle, you will be financing the cost. Look at your cost of living when it comes to food, shelter, insurance, and other spending habits. Once you have taken a good look at that and your income, you will have a better idea of what you can afford to spend on a car payment, insurance, fuel, and maintenance.

After you have decided what you can afford, then you need to take a close look at your needs. While there are many fun new cars, purchasing the vehicle that is best suited for you and your lifestyle is a wise choice. Unless you have excess funds, buying a vehicle that is bigger, better, faster, or fancier can cost you more in insurance, maintenance, and fuel.

Now it's time to research new cars. Luckily, learning more about the vehicles that you are considering is quite easy. You can learn more about cars and their features by looking at our site. After you have researched, you can have a more effective shopping process on our lot.

Are you ready to start looking at new cars in person? Come into our dealership and speak with one of our sales associates. The next thing you should do is take a test drive. While you may find all the information you think you need online, you still want to know how the vehicle feels when you sit in it and drive. Is the seat height adequate? How does the steering feel? Do you like the layout of the controls? There is a lot more to a vehicle than what it looks like and its ratings and features so be sure to do a test drive before making a final decision.

After you have shopped around and decided on a vehicle to purchase, you should learn more about your financing options. Depending on your credit history, the down payment you can afford, and other factors, you may have finance options. Speak with our dealership’s finance department about these, we can help you fit the car of dreams into your budget.

Purchasing a new vehicle is exciting, but it is something you should learn about before signing on the dotted line. Use the information shared here to help you make the most informed decision.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Making an Emergency Kit For Your Vehicle

If you have a car, prepare an emergency car kit and keep it in the vehicle. A car emergency kit is one of those things that you don't think much about until it's too late. Then you'll wish you didn't leave home without one. Every car should have some essential items in a location that can be easily reached by the driver in an emergency, but not so accessible that a child can get into it.

The basic emergency kit for cars should include the following items:

1. Charged cell phone. It may make the difference between getting help fast and maybe not getting help at all.

2. First-aid kit. It should include Band-Aids, adhesive tape, gauze pads, aspirin, antiseptic wipes, antiseptic cream or ointment, and anything particular to you or your family.

3. Three reflective warning triangles to be placed 50 feet apart in case of emergency to warn oncoming traffic.

4. Blankets or sleeping bags.

5. Tire gauge to periodically check the air pressure in their spare tire.

6. Properly inflated spare tire.

7. Waterproof flashlights and extra batteries.

8. Plastic bottled water for drinking.

9. Non-perishable food, such as nuts and energy bars.

10. Windshield ice scraper.

11. Battery jumper cables.

12. Warning light or roadside flares.

13. Sanitation and personal hygiene items.

14. Family and emergency contact information.

Be prepared for an emergency by keeping your gas tank full and if you find yourself stranded, be safe and stay in your car, put on your flashers, call for help and wait until it arrives.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015 Takes You for a Ride and Review of the 2016 Honda HR-V

The all-new 2016 Honda HR-V blurs the lines between urban cars, SUVs and hatchbacks  to give you a vehicle that's not only incredibly functional, but also sleek and stylish. It has  more power, more cargo space, more ground clearance, more weight. Everything we love! 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Check out the Evolution of Honda in "Paper"

Take a journey through six decades of Honda innovation as multiple animators manipulate thousands of hand-drawn illustrations. Experience the Power of Dreams! Honda has always been a leader in innovation. "Paper" is just another example of a creative take on the evolution of Honda over the years. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Birth of the Modern Kia Optima

If you have the time and are interested to see how the Kia Optima as you know it came to be, watch this Discovery Channel special covering the design, testing and production phases of the the new car with highlights from the Kinetic Motorsports Pirelli World Challenge team. It's fantastic!

Honda Ignition

The film pays homage to one of the boldest expressions of human curiosity and engineering endeavor: space flight. No other company has the heritage of engineering across as many categories: cars, motorbikes, robotics, aviation and racing. 

Dare to do the things others only dream of.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Bill Cole Advantage | Bill Cole Automall Bluefield WV

Bill Cole Advantage

Here at the Bill Cole Automall we back our pre-owned vehicles with the same assurances
of dependable service you would normally expect from a vehicle manufacturer!

We call this assurance program the Bill Cole Advantage and we proudly include this commitment with every pre-owned vehicle we offer for sale to the public!

What does the Bill Cole Advantage include?

10 Year/100,000 Mile Limited Powertrain Warranty

ENGINE- Cylinder block and cylinder head(s), all internal lubricated parts including pistons, piston rings, wrist pins, connecting rods, rod and main bearings, crankshaft, camshaft(s) and bearings, followers, lifters, pushrods, rocker arms, rocker shafts and bushings, balance shafts, valves, valve seats, valve guides, valve springs and retainers, oil pump, oil pump pick up and drive, water pump.

TRANSMISSION/TRANSFER CASE-Automatic Transmission Equipped: Transmission Case and all internal lubricated parts including oil pump, valve body, torque converter, governor, clutches, bushings, shafts, gear sets, bearings, vacuum modulator dip stick and tube.
Manual Transmission Equipped: Transmission case and all internal lubricated parts including shafts, bushings, bearings, gear sets, synchronizers, and shift forks.
Transfer Case Equipped: The Transfer Case housing and all internal lubricated parts.

DRIVE AXLE - Front Wheel Drive Equipped: Drive axle housing and all internal lubricated components including carrier case, gear sets, chain and sprockets, bearings, bushings. Axle shafts, constant velocity joints and double offset joints (except if boot was damaged or missing).
Rear Wheel Drive Equipped: Drive axle case and all internal lubricated parts including carrier, ring and pinion gears, gear sets, bearings bushings, limited slip clutch pack. Axle shafts, drive shaft(s), drive shaft support, u-joints.
Four Wheel Drive/All Wheel Drive Equipped: All components listed under Front Wheel Drive Equipped and Rear Wheel Drive Equipped are covered.

- Seals and Gasket coverage included for the Powertrain components listed above

The Bill Cole Advantage Pre-Owned Limited Powertrain Warranty provides coverage for 10 years from Jan 1st of the model year of the vehicle or up to 100,000 miles on the odometer, whichever occurs first. For complete information concerning, term, conditions and exclusions please refer to the American Guardian limited powertrain warranty.

24 Hours Roadside Assistance

24-hours a day and 7 Days a Week Round-The-Clock Assistance. Roadside Assistance benefits pay up to $50 per occurrence for covered roadside assistance.
  • Towing Assistance - When required as a result of a mechanical failure, if within 40 miles of the selling dealership, the vehicle will be towed back to the selling dealership, otherwise to a licensed repair facility in the U.S. or Canada.
  • Flat Tire Assistance - Service consists of the removal of the flat tire and its replacement with the spare tire located with the vehicle.
  • Battery Assistance - If battery failure occurs, a jump start will be provided to start your vehicle.
  • Lock-out Assistance - If your keys are locked inside your vehicle, assistance will be provided to supply assistance in gaining entry into the vehicle.
  • Fuel, Oil, Fluid and Water Delivery - An emergency supply of fuel, oil, fluid and water will be delivered if your vehicle is in immediate need. You must pay for the fuel or other fluid when it is delivered

Trip Interruption
If your vehicle is disabled due to a covered mechanical failure more than 100 miles from home, your will be reimbursed up to $75 per day and a maximum of $225 per occurrence. Your coverage begins at the date shown on the contract and terminates 1 year from the date of vehicle purchase. Emergency Travel Expenses such as airline tickets, hotels, meals and car rental.

CARFAX Vehicle History Report

Every Bill Cole Advantage Pre-Owned Vehicle comes with a free CARFAX® Vehicle History Report. Since its inception in 1986, CARFAX® has built a database of more that 7-billion records that document whether a vehicle is a lemon buyback, has been salvaged, damaged by flood, used as a taxi or rental car, had its odometer rolled back, as well as other pertinent facts that may affect the vehicle’s safety and value.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

About Bill Cole Automall Bluefield | Nissan Honda Kia Subaru Hyundai Dealer

Bill Cole Automall Bluefield

You get it all! Before opening the Bill Cole Automall we asked our friends, family and past customers what kind of experience they expected when buying a new or pre-owned vehicle. The answers we heard were loud and clear! Bill Cole Automall in Bluefield WV offers a wide selection of quality new and pre-owned vehicles, unrivaled customer service and satisfaction. 

At Bill Cole Automall we offer a broad selection of new and used Nissan, Honda, Kia, and Subaru Cars, Trucks, and SUVs to Bluefield and the surrounding areas of Christiansburg, VA, Beckley, WV, and Charleston, WV areas. We take pride in the vehicles we sell and strive to succeed in providing an outstanding customer experience. As a leading auto dealership in our community, we are dedicated to providing our customers with quality service.

The friendly staff here at Bill ColeAutomall are eager to assist you in your search for a new Nissan, Honda, Kia, Subaru or Hyundai.

Using the Bill Cole Automall website you will find a wide selection of internet car buying tools right at your fingertips: quickly access our Nissan, Honda, Kia, Hyundai and Subaru inventory, used vehicle inventory, new vehicle specials, used car specials, or request your next service appointment.

We also offer a full range of service options for every make and model at competitive rates including a detail department, rental cars and our parts department is always stocked with the right part… right when you need it! Say yes to price, selection and customer satisfaction! You get it all at the Bill Cole Automall!